Monday, February 27, 2012

Technology in School Paragraph

Teachers use technology to help me get ready. For example in sixth grade my teacher would make us type all of our essays on the computer. It helped because we at least had experience on paper and on the computer.  Also in freshman year, my teacher taught a complete tech class and she made use write notes to not forget the things we do and learn on the computer. It helped because when I was in front of the computer the next time and needed help I could easily look at my helpful notes. In addition, in my sophomore year, my teacher made and still makes use do every single assignment on the computer, no pencils needed. It helps me because I know a lot of my classes are going to be like this in college so I'm just getting very good practice. Future teachers can help their students by letting them write, use technology, and talking time with them.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Academic Language Week 24 - Online Learning

Online learning is not a great way to educate students. When the student needs help from the teacher, teachers will not be there to help anyone CLARIFY their answer. In certain AREAS students might downgrade by computer use. Teachers have a tough time DIFFERENTIATING how good the students work really is. Learning online will not help kids get a better education.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Academic Language Week 23 - Dog Fighting

Dog fighting should not be allowed.  Dogs have DISTINCT awareness of their actions therefore they should not participate in such activities.  Having dogs in fights exposes them to great POTENTIAL to have wounds.  By not making this action illegal FORMULATES that people will continue to hurt these dogs.  These are some reasons why dogs should not participate in fights.

Poetry: Imagery in “A Blessing” by James Wright

This poem is called "A Blessing" by James Wright. This poem helped me learn more about imagery because it gave me a lot of good exapmles on being prepared to write a poem using all of the technical uses that are supposed to be in a poem.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Poetry Previous Knowledge Paragraph

I would rather read a poem because they seem like an eye catcher. Poems would keep me intrested and focused. The words and how they rhyme and flow will be the reason for that. I believe they can relate to the reader more because it will keep your attenchen and interest. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Imagery in Poetry Blog Post Paragraph

For christmas break I was on my way to Georgia. I was getting off of the airplane from California to vsit my family. I saw a lot of African American people. And it kind of smelled like wet dog because it was raining. I ate Lemon Pepper Wings, they were so good. When I was there I was waiting for my sister to have her baby. When I finally got to hold him was the best feeling ever. A lot of storm came about when I was in Atlanta, Georgia. I would here lightening almost about every night.

Academic Language Week 21 - Steroids

I dont think performance enhancing drugs should be allowed  because steroids are PRIMARILY unhealthy for your body when men and women abuse the use of steroids it throws off their testosterone levels which opens a wide range of problems through out the body. There are many unsafe side effects and unwanted side effects such as acne,  roid rage , liver problems , prostate cancer etc. Everyone will have the same skill it will take out the TRADITION , challenge and the entertainments of all sports. When you use steroids for a long PERIOD of time and you want to stop it will cause more problems then before. These are some reasons why steroids should not be allowed in sports.

Academic Language Week 22 - Felons Voting

I think felons should  be allowed to vote because everyone has a right to freedom of speech and because criminals still exist and still live in this COMPLEXED  world that we all live in, felons not voting could make a huge impact in our lifes and theirs too. Just because their imprisoned doesnt mean they're not RELEVANT to our society. They can feel a SOURCE of independence everyone makes mistakes and them not vote is a mistake where all going to have to suffer with not just them .This is why I think felons should be allowed to vote.